CamIQ net

What’s included in the CamIQ standard?
Are you interested in finding out whether CamIQ net offers a feature or interface? This is where you can find a comprehensive overview of the most important features offered by individual CamIQ products. Admittedly, the list of features is very extensive. Indeed, our standard products offer a lot of special features that would require an extra license elsewhere. Our Keyword Search, however, allows you to quickly find the relevant features.

Do you have any special requirements?
Were you unable to find an important feature that you need in the Feature List? We are interested in your requirements! Perhaps we have already covered it in one of the many projects we already realized – but without having specifically listed this feature as part of our feature overview or in the product documentation. Based on long-standing practical experience, the CamIQ Consulting Team can quickly answer such questions! We will gladly help you out with information if you let us know what your needs are!

A desired feature is not yet even available on the market?
Then you’ve come to the right place! As a highly flexible development enterprise with a very high performance product portfolio, we have earned an international reputation over the past years – particularly with large-scale projects. Numerous major companies put their trust in our products and this is due not least to the good cooperation with our clients. For rosemann GmbH, optimally meeting our clients’ special needs as part of our project support is standard procedure. Feel free to approach us about what you have in mind!

The CamIQ Engineering Team is looking forward to new challenges!


Function groupFunctionCamIQ 9.x Satellite
(per instance)
CamIQ 9.x
Enterprise + Satellite
General functions Automatic detection and configuration of cameras during installation (for supported camera models)
General functions Encrypted camera streams via SRTP/RTSPS & HTTPS
General functions Automatic migration of pre-set images sources (for supported camera models)
General functions Intuitive user interface for simple applications and problem-free startup operations
General functions Support of network-based and analog image sources (megapixel cameras, network cameras, encoders) across various manufacturers according to current driver list
General functions Active Directory Integration
General functions Dynamic H.264 Multi-Streaming and recompression for live picture transmission and playback via narrow bandwidth connections (e.g., corporate networks with distributed locations)
General functions Image activity display for all clients in live image
General functions Robust client/server architecture (diverse possible applications and combination of the advantages of modular construction and central administration)
General functions Videocodec: H.264, M-JPEG
General functions Extensive data protection functions for live images and recordings (for GDPR complient operation)
General functions CamIQ Web Client (via HTTPS; no Plugins necessary)
General functions Universal RTSP, ONVIF & HTTP driver
General functions Max. total numbers of cameras / already in basic licence included 64/0
up to 4 x 64 per PC
General functions Max. client connections / In basic licence included 100/5 100/5 
General functions Sabotage detection of image sources (connection interruptions)
General functions Free allocation of alarm contact and relay to a camera (virtual camera units)
General functions Streaming server support (H.264, HTTP Live Streaming, CamIQ-Codec)
General functions Export of recordings from CamIQ Satellite Manager to the server/client (Types: RSX via AES-256 encryption as conversion in MP4 & JPG)
General functions Video recording in RSX format
General functions Track size per camera 10 TB 10 TB
General functions Maximum size per image 1,5 MB 1,5 MB
General functions Language support in German, English, Dutch (more languages upon request)
General functions RAID-, NAS and SAN support at operating system level
General functions Warning function for hard drive allocations (e.g., for automatic locking of sequences)
General functions Integrated estimation of expected recording duration through statistic calculations
General functions Central Backup-Server for automatic and manual configuration-Backups of CamIQ servers
General functions Long-term-recording (e.g., construction progress documentation; M-JPEG)
General functions Primary operation of TCP/IP-based components in the CamIQ net (open platform)
General functions Extensive protocol functions (Configuration changes, user login, memory use etc.)
General functions Convenient interface for evaluation of recorded video data from external applications (such as Excel Sheets) in CamIQ Manager
General functions Receive / Send live audio streams with compatible cameras
General functions Audio recording and playback
General functions CamIQ App for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Failover Failover concept for server with active switching of the Enterprise operator stations
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Notification of remote stations (CMS) via CamIQ Connect
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Encrypted transport via HTTPS
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Web-based solution without installation
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Team function in the security center
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Support of failover operation and redundant transmission paths
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Simplified administration through token-based procedure on the end customer side
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) Compatibility to third party central monitoring station solutions (et al Sur-Gard protocol, SIA-DC09)
Sensor functions Simple configuration of alarm zones (up to 16 zones per camera)
Sensor functions Interactive configuration with live image and convenient drawing functions
Sensor functions Complex alarm scenarios (e.g., Alarm zone link with pre-alarm zones and alarm contacts, also across multiple cameras)
Sensor functions Convenient live display of trigger threshold values per sensor field while programming and live image display in CamIQ Manager
Sensor functions Calendar-based activation of configuration for alarm processing
Sensor functions 4,800 sensors per camera (80 x 60 grid)
Sensor functions External arming via contacts or CamIQ API/SDK
Live image display Live image views: 1, 4, 9, 13, 16, 25, 33, 36, 49, 64-fold (6-fold additionally in CamIQ Enterprise)
Live image display Virtual zoom on image detail at live image
Live image display Fluid frame rates (up to 100 fps); independent of the hardware, image sources and number of cameras used
Live image display Alarm preview list in live image
Live image display Control of S/N cameras and domes via patented control field and/or joystick
Live image display Manual recordings from the live image view
Live image display Automatic assignment of cameras in alarm event
Live image display Autologin/Autologout
Live image display Operation of CamIQ Manager in background until alarm event occurs, e.g., doorbell
Live image display Display of images with 4:3 / 16:9 / 16:10 and other common resolutions as well as special formats
Live image display 9-fold view (in CamIQ Manager with automatic display of connected neighboring cameras)
Live image display Adjustable filter for the alarm list in CamIQ Manager (e.g., special events or cameras)
Live image display Playback from the live image
Live image display Screensaver with predefined multiple camera display in CamIQ Manager
Live image display Sequence mode individually definable per sub-monitor (also with multiview)
Live image display Display of camera status, alarm contact, relay, recording status and image updates for each camera
Live image display Automatic recording function after assigning a camera to a hot spot monitor
Live image display Support of decoders for connecting analog monitors
Live image display Local recordings from the live image display
Live image display Grouping function of cameras
Live image display List of favorites for quickly assigning stored views
Live image display Script execution at event for execution of predefined operating sequences
Event processing (alarm actions) Recording of alarm sequences incl. pre-alarm images
Event processing (alarm actions) Event-controlled blocking of areas to prevent the overwriting of relevant data (also manually in CamIQ Manager)
Event processing (alarm actions) Audio playback in alarm event
Event processing (alarm actions) Time controllable audio playback in alarm event
Event processing (alarm actions) Convenient calendar function for recording and event handling (e.g., management of holidays)
Event processing (alarm actions) Execution of an integrated script/macro
Event processing (alarm actions) Switching to higher recording speed
Event processing (alarm actions) Forwarding to primary management software e.g., CamIQ Enterprise or facility management software via CamIQ API/SDK
Event processing (alarm actions) Editing of alarm datas in CamIQ Manager
Event processing (alarm actions) Confirming of alarm entries in CamIQ Manager
Event processing (alarm actions) Operator-controlled instant recording of all cameras displayed in the current view („panic recording“ on either a workstation or connected CamIQ Servers)
Event processing (alarm actions) Automatic display of stored action plans in case of alarm event
Event processing (alarm actions) Event assignment to either specific monitor or filling operation
Event processing (alarm actions) Evaluation of local video sequences via filter functions, export incl. viewer
Event processing (alarm actions) Start of external applications to a camera
Event processing (alarm actions) Event picture preview
Event processing (alarm actions) Temporary deactivation of events (e.g., in case of malfunction of a camera)
Sending messages Transmission of alarm events in the absense of reaction of the user
Sending messages Email message with attached image
Sending messages SNMP interface (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Search functions (evaluation functions) Token-based authentication for controlled remote access (e.g., by central monitoring stations)
Search functions (evaluation functions) Searches for camera, time, event, action in CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Subsequent searches via freely defined search fields in permanent recordings in CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Clear list of events with preview images and filter-/ grouping function in CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Clear list of search fields in CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Electable playback speeds
Search functions (evaluation functions) Zoom function (zoom on image detail) for single pictures and playback in CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Export assistant for transferring individual images and sequences including viewer in CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Printing of alarm images via CamIQ Manager
Search functions (evaluation functions) Synchronized playback of multiple recordings
Search functions (evaluation functions) Assignment of adjacent cameras from camera list or site plan
Search functions (evaluation functions) Event-controlled access right for users
User management / Administration Role-based permissions assignment for users
User management / Administration Maximum numbers of local users 32 aus
User management / Administration Detailed assignment of user rights for functions and access to camera live image and recording
User management / Administration Dynamic adaptation of the user interface: based on password, only authorized functions visible
User management / Administration Access to system functions and task bar can be restricted
User management / Administration Comprehensive protocols for system status incl. export function
User management / Administration Configuration/ calendar-based access to live image & evaluation
User management / Administration Event-controlled access right for specific period access before and after an event (for live image and recording)
User management / Administration 4-Eyes-principle (login)
CamIQ Cloud Services Interface for CamIQ Cloud
CamIQ Cloud Services Monitoring the operating status of CamIQ servers
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Live image playback of multiple servers
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Live image views: 1, 4, 9-fold
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Access to continuous recordings
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Event list with image preview
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Audio (incl. remote sites)
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Switching of relays
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Control of PTZ cameras
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Receive of push notifications
CamIQ App for iPhone and iPad Apple Watch support
Data protection function Privacy zones independent of the image source (transcoding with H.264 is necessary)
Data protection function Event-driven access (access only possible in combination with an intrusion detection system until the alarm has been reset, for example)
Site plan Site plan function with support of cameras (overview)
Site plan Convenient, integrated site plan editor
Site plan Extended site plan with up to 128 levelsand support for cameras (with visual angle), sensors and actors
Site plan Simple integration of graphs due to BMP and JPEG format
Site plan Expandable icon library
Site plan Automatic assignment of the correct site plan in case of event
Virtual guard tours Manual and calendar-based guard tour with protocol function
Virtual guard tours Automatic start of guard tours at specifiable times
Virtual guard tours Intelligent confirmation dialog to counteract the monotony of processing the tours
Virtual guard tours Protocol for every guard tour
Virtual guard tours Configurable camera selection
Monitor-Wall Ooptional CamIQ Monitor Wall function for the connection of up to 21 monitors (each respectively up to 64-fold view) in addition to Dual monitor operation in the basic version
Script function Scripting function for programming complete operational sequences and efficient use of CamIQ API/SDK
Script function Function for automatically creating scripts that display the current connection of cameras in any view as a script
License model / Extensions Scalable licensing model from 1 camera
License model / Extensions AI Analytics - AI supported image analysis
License model / Extensions ONFIV integration of meta data from cameras
License model / Extensions Monitoring
License model / Extensions Extension of operater stations by additional Client Connections
License model / Extensions Audio (live/recording)
License model / Extensions POS/ATM Interface (for cash register / ATM)
License model / Extensions RS232 (API/SDK) Interface
License model / Extensions TCP/IP (API/SDK) Interface
License model / Extensions Monitor Wall / Decoder Interface

= available
= not available
= optional
∞ = infinitely